Life Purpose Report

Re-discover why you’re here and what you’re here to do.

Are YOU: 

  • dreading Sunday nights when you know you'll have to go back to work on Monday morning?  

  • feeling frustrated and exhausted at the end of every day? 

  • wanting to make money doing what you love, but selling feels icky and unnatural?

  • feeling unappreciated and realizing your gifts aren't be used to their full potential? 

Sound familiar?

Then you made such a good decision to be here!

My Enneagram-based Life Purpose Report helps you: 

  • determine the most aligned area of your life's work based on your unique combination of Enneagram Type patterns within you

  • determine YOUR unique magic powers in selling and serving! 

  • give yourself permission to step into a business role that will feel easy to you, won't feel like "work," and will be so appreciated by others! 

  • highlight triggers that pull you out of alignment with your higher purpose and prevent you from action in a more meaningful direction

After reading your Life Purpose Guide, you will:

  • gain a greater idea of the specific kind of work that is most fulfilling to you 

  • know your individual gifts & innate talents much better!

  • understand how to go about doing your work in a way that is most rewarding and deeply satisfying for you 

  • be able to fine-tune your career compass so you you feel more like your strengths and skills are being used to their fullest potential

  • know the challenges that you face in your work as well as your personal life 

  • have  full permission to lean into who you truly are  inside of your career 

  • live with a deeper sense of purpose

  • find more fulfillment and satisfaction in your work and personal life!

So how does this work?

Complete payment for your reading by clicking the “Order” button.

  1. Receive an email within 24 hours with instructions for taking your personality assessment. I’ll offer you a few assessment options ($0-60).

  2. Email me a screenshot of your results page.

  3. Your Life Purpose Report will be custom created for you and emailed to you within 7 days of me receiving your assessment results (often much sooner).