Kristy Fountain’s

Life Purpose Academy

Where Success Meets Soul

Alignment support for ambitious seekers
and purpose-driven powerhouses.

by Kristy Fountain
Certified Enneagram Coach,
Gene Keys Guide, and Archetype Teacher.

Who are you?

What is your purpose?

What are you here to create?

Hello, wild heart.

Your purpose plays out in 3 major arenas:

1. Your relationship with yourself, Earth, and God.
2. Your close and romantic relationships.
3. Your work, community, and contributions.

Feeling burned out, fed up, or just ready for a revolution inside of your very existence?

You’ve come to the right place!

I teach purpose-minded seekers how to transition into more soul-igniting lives.

Your genius is that you are you.

Your genius is that you are you.

Life Purpose Report

  • You CAN find a deeper, more meaningful sense of purpose in your life.

    These 1-on-1 laser sessions help you determine your most aligned next steps toward:

    → manifesting a soul-igniting life

    → creating your soul-offerings

    → and transitioning into soul-igniting work.

    These session integrate archetypal systems by synthesizing your Enneagram details, Human Design Bodygraph, and Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile.

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1:1 Laser Coaching Sessions

  • My unique downloadable PDF Life Purpose Report helps you:

    → determine the most aligned area of your life's work based on your unique combination of Enneagram Type patterns within you

    → determine YOUR unique magic powers in selling and serving!

    → give yourself permission to step into a business role that will feel easy to you, won't feel like "work," and will be so appreciated by others!

    → highlight triggers that pull you out of alignment with your higher purpose and prevent you from action in a more meaningful direction

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The Revealing Program

  • The Revealing is a 12-month high-level group coaching program that supports you in revealing your life's purpose and transitioning into your most soul-igniting work.

    It might feel scary right now, but I want you to know that is it possible for you to live a purpose-filled life without compromising your needs or desires.

    You are ready to transition out of energy-sucking work and into life-giving callings without burning your whole life down.

    When you apply to The Revealing, you are invited to watch a complimentary private training where I teach you my 3-part framework for uncovering the work you’re here to do (time and time again) and learn more about my program details.

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Work With me ↓

Express to Exist


My unique weekly email series provides private life purpose trainings so you can create your soul-igniting contributions and transition into fulfilling careers.

“When we dream alone,
it is only a dream;
but when many dream together,
it is the beginning of a new reality."

~ Friedensreich Hundertwasser

Meet Your Guide

Hi, I’m Kristy Fountain. My middle name means “rebirth.” I’m in the business of soul-aligned transformations.

I’m an Enneagram SX/SP 451 and 6/2 Projector with the LAX of Education. I’m here to really see you and champion your alignment through research & education.

I deep dive into systems and bring you gold nuggets of practical wisdom that imbue your life with meaning and purpose AND catalyze change that endures the test of time … that’s my thing, baby.

The Life Purpose Academy is my soul-igniting contribution within the themes of my purpose - creative expression, authentic identity alignment, and education.

It’s an absolute honor to work with you so you can discover your purpose and create your own soul-igniting contributions.

Henry David Thoreau

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived … I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life …”